Real life

Summer Holidays

The summer holidays when you have 4 kids are a time of mixed feelings. Part of you is like : “YAY! no getting ready for school, stressy timed mornings and I can take my kids out for the day thats not the week end”  and the other hand is ” oh my days! 6 weeks…. …

Dinner Time

Ah yes, the evening meal.  A time when the family comes together at the table and shares food, and talks- well in the eldest 3’s cases shout (annoyingly! why don’t kids talk at a normal level?).  In our family dinner time is very important-  not particularly because of the food itself but because its a …

No one tells you

Before we had kids I was unaware of how much time children truly take up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not stupid and was working as a pre-school teacher, and had been for around a year before our first daughter was born, so I knew what little people were like. However, what you don’t see …