Summer Holidays

The summer holidays when you have 4 kids are a time of mixed feelings. Part of you is like : “YAY! no getting ready for school, stressy timed mornings and I can take my kids out for the day thats not the week end”  and the other hand is ” oh my days! 6 weeks…. …

Dinner Time

Ah yes, the evening meal.  A time when the family comes together at the table and shares food, and talks- well in the eldest 3’s cases shout (annoyingly! why don’t kids talk at a normal level?).  In our family dinner time is very important-  not particularly because of the food itself but because its a …

Bank Holiday

Soooo today is a bank holiday.  Here’s me thinking yesterday morning that l’ll be taking the small ones to play group. Nope All 4 and husband at home and we are planning to go out.  The question is  where? Living in London you have sooo many options and when you search the net  for ” …

Stay & play

Can I just start by saying my bad for  it being so long since my last post. I lost my logins and then forgot to ask my husband for them again and then well the magically time sapping world of “baby” took over…. For the past few months I have been taking number 3 and …


Ah yes the world of exclusively pumping. A world they don’t really tell you about on those little leaflets they give you are your appointments or on the posters on the walls of the waiting rooms. Seriously, its true I may be misremembering but at the min, I only remember: “breast is best” leaflet/posters, “mix …

No one tells you

Before we had kids I was unaware of how much time children truly take up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not stupid and was working as a pre-school teacher, and had been for around a year before our first daughter was born, so I knew what little people were like. However, what you don’t see …