The summer holidays when you have 4 kids are a time of mixed feelings. Part of you is like : “YAY! no getting ready for school, stressy timed mornings and I can take my kids out for the day thats not the week end” and the other hand is ” oh my days! 6 weeks…. with all the kids nearly alone all the time with them ALL”.
This summer holidays I feel has gone much better than the last, I have taken the kids out most days and we have seen lots of different things, as well as meeting up with the cousins quite a lot. Apart from our weekend in Exmoor at the start of the break I think our most expensive day out has been £30 all in for a family of 6 thats not too bad I think. We’re very fortunate that we live in London and extra fortunate we live and area with really good transport links. 20 minute to the river by bus for example.
In some ways kids are quite easy to please, something adults take for granted, kids are amazed at and have a thousand questions about.
No doubt summer holidays are tiring but it’s nice too 🙂