Can I just start by saying my bad for it being so long since my last post. I lost my logins and then forgot to ask my husband for them again and then well the magically time sapping world of “baby” took over….
For the past few months I have been taking number 3 and the wee baby to our local children’s centre. Now when you have a baby they really encourage you to go to these things. ” Meet people, its good to get out of the house, good for children to meet each other” and while all of these things are true, after about 6 months of going nearly every Monday, last week was the first time I had actually had a semi-adult convo with the other mums there. I don’t know about any one else but stay and plays can just be jolly awkward for the adults some times. You have mums that have been there sometimes for multiple children and seem to know was other already and each other’s life story. And then you enter the room, and granted everyone is polite and stuff, for ages your time “meeting people” is generally ‘ how old is your child?’ type of convos.
You know those quizzes on the internet that are like “are you an introvert of extrovert types of person?” well mostly I always get ” your a happy mix of both”. What this means in real life is, I feel like I’m seriously awkward at times and other times I may lead a group in things. Help me. And so you go to these stay and plays and you grin and be polite but really the adult conversation you are ( be honest with yourself) longing for is just not there.
Until last week! I actually had a conversation about language and local schools and stuffs. Maybe I’ve settled into the place? Or maybe there was a convenient place for me to and I tried to be a bit more bold. Either way wahoo!
Sometimes when your a stay at home mum things are long. For example, my husband takes my oldest 2 to school and then I don’t see him until maybe 6 sometimes and so its 8:30am- 6pm without proper conversation. Now when I’ve read other blogs some women find the little convos they may have in the line at the super market nice and stuff. Don’t get me wrong they are, but mentally stimulating? Realistically probably not. Sometimes ya just feel like your brain is not working the way its used to. Soooo this convo last week was a nice break to the monotony.
Tomorrow I venture again.