Home Schooling

Pintrest is one really handy app. It gives you loads of ideas on a vast array of subjects. And it’s an app I will binge on every now and again.This week, so far has been one of those times. I’ve made anew board titled “baby” and have been filling up my trust old ones too.  One thing I have come across is this “Homeschooling Preschool” ness.  Now I am an actual qualified preschool teacher, but it never occurred to me, that having my 2 year old at home is “homeschooling” him. I mean his 2… He plays, I set up games or activities for him but I never thought of it as “homeschooling”. I just don’t want to/ can’t pay nursery fees and I’m at home anyway. A lot of the stuff I find on Pintrest I think is American- do they send their kids so early that they make having your 2 year old at home, mean you are “homeschooling” them?  I mean I thought the Uk was bad, with 5 year olds going into completely structured learning time but wow. (Just so you know I’m a big advocate of learning through play- especially when kids are young. My eldest even told her reception teacher last year about how she learns through playing.)

And so I’ve been gathering pins of activities to do with my little man. Like I’ve said before they won’t entertain or educate him for “hours” like the pin says but they will do something for as long as he’ll do them for. Today’s activity, one I thought would last at least 20 min, lasted well 4-7 scoops of a spoon before he wanted to do something else. He’s been into water beads and to help with his hand-eye- coordination that task was to scoop them from one dish to another, with different size spoons- language and mathematical development right there. Yeah, he wasn’t fussed  So I bring out the colindar and pipe cleaners for some weaving-  yeah 5 min max.He then pulled them all out and would not out them back in. He then wonders himself around a bit. Until I have a genius idea of getting him to push water beads through the  holes of the colander- again 5 min max.  Then story time and his nap. Thus concluded his “homeschooling”  time of today. Right now he’s having lunch while watching The Incredibles.


What was I able to get done while he had his nap? One load of washing, the dishwasher,  washing bottles and pump parts. As well as pump and  then feed the baby.  I sit an extra 5 min watching my program on the TV, rather than getting to other stuff straight away. Then the toddler wakes. Thus concludes my house work time.


So I will endeavour with “homeschooling Preschool” for my 2 year old.  Maybe I will do the whole planning the week’s activities and outings etc?  Wish me Luck…

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