Before we had kids I was unaware of how much time children truly take up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not stupid and was working as a pre-school teacher, and had been for around a year before our first daughter was born, so I knew what little people were like. However, what you don’t see as a teacher (with no kids of my own) and an adult who was around kids anyway, was the laundry, the errands, keeping your thoughts on top of all the things that need to be done. Changing bed linen for example… you have to think and semi- plan ahead to get that stuff done. FYI I am not one of those people who iron their bed clothes- if you have time for this you are either seriously organised, are retired or don’t have children. I am none of those things. Although people tell me I’m organised, this does not exhibit it self in all areas of my life.
Last night as my husband was giving the kids their showers (Yes, small people normally have baths, and thankfully all our kids love them but when dinner time takes a bit too long and you want the kids to get to bed at a reasonably hour, you just deal with your 2 year old screaming a couple of times) I thought to my self “hmm… should really change their beds”. The thoughts that followed were a barrage of quick ones that feel like a mini, raise your eye brows moments of panic- do I have clean bed linen for all? can’t change 1 and not the others and long, think there is stuff in the machine right now- must remember to take that stuff out before it starts smells funny. In the end the bed clothes were not changed but no one knew I was thinking about changing them anyway so no kids were disappointed when they weren’t
I learnt with our 3rd child when he was a baby, not to try and give my self too many things to of in a day when your new born is, well new born. You (well me anyway) just end feeling rubbish for not getting stuff done. And so, I guess the solution to my last minute realisation that I need to change my kids bed clothes, is to change them in the day while the eldest 2 are at school. Well my friend my tasks I completed today were: go get some milk and bits from the local Tesco, take number 3 to the park for little bit with number 4 in tow. Come home and settle #3 down for his nap and fold 6 loads of laundry in the solitude moments I have between pumping and feeding the baby. Soooo changing bed clothes today is not going to happen.
Telling my self to give myself too many tasks in one day, is easier said than done though. However, that is for another time to talk about.
Before you have kids you don’t think about all those mundane tasks that have to be done that involve children or generally running a household. And quite frankly people around you ( who have had kids) don’t seem to tell you either. Search on the net you say? well I don’t know about you but I just came across these websites and blogs that have romantic ideas of what mother hood entails. Beautiful pins of organised houses and children’s activities that wonderful women’s children seem to be happy to do for “hours” (either lies or some brilliant 2 year old with great concentration skills).
I was the first one in my friendship group that had kids. I was also on my second when 1 other friend had her 1st- she then moved to China for a few years with her husband… I was alone. ( She’s back now 🙂 ) However, we both agree that no one tells you about the laundry! the piles and piles of the stuff.. never ending… evvver!
Today I spent 1 hour folding 6 loads. I told her about my folding times before and she just laughed ” wow you fold? I stuff and hope for the best” …. I don’t have enough storage space for that and besides that would itch my mind a bit too much. And so with another friend being married for 2 years now, we are both being real about the levels of laundry. Although that being said I am doing laundry now for 2 adults and 4 children now. My bed is currently covered in precise littles piles of clean clothes ready and waiting to be put away at 1 this morning, while my husband and I tip toe in and out of the different rooms to put things away..